The Following forms are required in order to play in the league.
Team Registration Form
The following form must be filled out and presented at the time of team registration. The team fee’s will also be required in order for your church team to successfully register.
Preview of Form:

WSP Background Check Form
This form must be filled out every 2 years if you have any youths (17 and younger) playing on your team.
Preview of Form:

Team Roster Form
The following form must be filled out and presented at the time of team registration. The team fee’s will also be required in order for your church team to successfully register.
Preview of Form:

Youth Waiver Form
The Youth Waiver Form must be filled in and submitted for any player under the age of 18. In order for the youth to play they must have the signature of a parent or responsible adult.
Preview of Form:

We wanted to make sure you all know that the USSSA Washington State form needs to be signed by the coach or an ICL Director.
USSSA Youth Waiver Form
The Youth Waiver Form must be filled in and submitted for any player under the age of 18. In order for the youth to play they must have the signature of a parent or responsible adult.
Preview of Form: