Philadelphia 76ers v Brooklyn Nets

Season Starts Feb. 3


This is just a reminder that the season is just a week away. If you haven’t seen the schedule yet please go here: Basketball Schedule.

Make sure you have your team roster prior to game time or you will not be allowed to play. All players must be on the roster and signed prior to taking the court. We will also have a brief meeting before each game to go over the rules to make sure everyone knows how the game will be played.

If you have any question, please call or email
Benjamin Hill

Basketball background. Abstract dark basketball background with copy space.

2018 Basketball Season (Men’s League and Women’s League)

ICL Coaches and Players,

Don’t Forget!!

Put it on your calendar that registration day will be December 11, 2017 at Paramount Church 6-7pm, please have your required forms ready at the time of registration.

16+ Men or 16+ Women’s League

Vital Information:

League Registration Dec. 11 2017, 6-7pm Paramount Church

Game Dates: Feb 3- Apr 28

Game Times: 8-12pm  (Men’s League will be early morning, Women’s League will be early afternoon)

Team Fee’s are $300, but if you know a player(s) who would like to play but do not have a church team we will add them to a team.

16+ Men’s League and 16+ Women’s League

No roster changes after 2nd game.

Games will be played at Westwood Baptist Church.

20-Min halves

Additional Information can be found on the website at

If you have any questions about the season please email us or call 360-451-6282 for details or email

Thank you,

Benjamin and Samantha Hill


Softball 2017 Season


The first ICL Softball 2017 meeting is scheduled for Monday, March 13, 7:00 p.m. at PARAMOUNT CHRISTIAN CHURCH located at 3816 COLLEGE STREET SE in LACEY. The meeting date, time, location and directions will be posted on our web site at PLEASE NOTE: If you have more than one coach in your church PLEASE make sure and pass on this information. We are asking each of you help us get the word out to everyone.

For those of you who like to plan ahead, our second meeting will be held on Monday, April 24, 7:00 p.m. at PARAMOUNT CHRISTIAN CHURCH.

Steve Carlsberg

Philadelphia 76ers v Brooklyn Nets

Basketball Registration Day

Remember Meeting Tonight!

We will have our registration tonight, Nov. 14 from 7-8pm at PARAMOUNT CHRISTIAN CHURCH on 3816 COLLEGE STREET SE in LACEY. Please bring your team registration form as well as your team fee’s of $300 to the meeting.
If you have any questions please contact me at 360-451-6282 or at email address
See You There!

Philadelphia 76ers v Brooklyn Nets

Basketball 2017 Registration

Coaches Remember,
No meeting tonight!
We will have our registration night on Nov. 14 from 7-8pm at PARAMOUNT CHRISTIAN CHURCH on 3816 COLLEGE STREET SE in LACEY. Please bring your team registration form as well as your team fee’s of $300 to the meeting.
If you have any questions please contact me at 360-451-6282 or at email address

See You There!

Basketball 2017 Season

Coaches, only a few more weeks left before registration.  We already have 5 teams that have notified me for this season, so we only have 2 more slots available.  Please contact us at so that you will get the notification about the registration date and time.

Information about the league.
ICL will be hosting a basketball league at Westwood Church in Olympia. Details for the season are below, but PLEASE NOTE that we will have only one meeting on November 7th at Paramount Christian for registration and league rules presentation.
• Men’s only league 18+
• Dates: Dec. 3 – Apr. 1 (No Games Dec. 24, 31, Jan. 14, Mar. 25)
• Time: Saturdays from 8-11am
• Total of 7 teams (due to limited venues, first come first serve) Email: or call Benjamin Hill at 360-451-6282
• 12 League Games
• 2 Week Playoffs single elimination playoff
• Participants must be at least 16yrs before the end of the season
• $300 per church team
• No roster changes after the 2nd league game
• Registration will be the Nov 7th for the 7 teams (please reply to this email prior to Nov 7th if you have a team ready)


Thank You,

Benjamin Hill

Volleyball and Basketball Update


Volleyball News

The ICL has not been able to secure courts for a volleyball season, as a direct result we are cancelling the 2016 volleyball season and will continue to work towards hosting volleyball in the Fall of 2017.

Basketball News

ICL will be hosting a basketball league at Westwood Church in Olympia. Details for the season are below, but PLEASE NOTE that we will have only one meeting on November 7th at Paramount Christian for registration and league rules presentation.
• Men’s only league 18+
• Dates: Dec. 3 – Apr. 1 (No Games Dec. 24, 31, Jan. 14, Mar. 25)
• Time: Saturdays from 8-11am
• Total of 7 teams (due to limited venues, first come first serve) Email: or call Benjamin Hill at 360-451-6282
• 12 League Games
• 2 Week Playoffs single elimination playoff
• Participants must be at least 16yrs before the end of the season
• $300 per church team
• No roster changes after the 2nd league game
• Registration will be the Nov 7th for the 7 teams (please reply to this email prior to Nov 7th if you have a team ready)



Steve Carlsberg
ICL President


Board Members

President – Steve Carlsberg
Scheduler – Eldon Wiltsey
Treasurer – Lori Sloan
Secretary – Rhonda Tevis
Web Managers – Benjamin and Samantha Hill

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